Fill out the form below to start the conversation about your recovery.
Boise, ID 83702
Monday—Friday: 8:00AM–12:00PM
Ready to start the process?
Fill out this quick form to start the recovery process. We will get back to you right away.
Our Process
- Fill out our quick recovery form so we can start discussing the recovery or start the recovery process.
- Drop-off or Mail-in your drive. We offer a free mailing box with return label to help you get your drive into us safely!
- Wait for the recovery attempt to be complete.
- Approve the data recovered through a file list and make payment for the recovery.
- Receive your data back.
What we use to put the data on
You can either supply your own new drive for us to move the data onto, or you can purchase a new drive from us! We don’t mark the drives up much, so the price is usually just above the Amazon price.